When it comes to lights and running, we know it better than anyone else. Not because we have to, but because it's our passion. Each type of light accessory has its benefits and drawbacks so we're here to break it down for you.
Vest lights are the latest in running innovation. Light weight, durable and all weather, glowing vests provide a 360 field of visibility like no other device. They provide front, back (sometimes 360) visibility. But most aren't very reasonably comfortable. Check out the full review...
Glowing belts provide an easy comfortable way to be seen. They cover more body area and are more noticeable higher off the ground. But most aren't very visible and can create a false sense of security. Learn why...
Hand held lights are the most useful type of directed light a runner can have. While running, you can see objects in any direction without breaking pace. But current lights don't alloy for other functionality. Check out the downsides...
Shoe lights are the most wide range of motion of all the types of running lights, because they have largest range of motion, it allows runners to draw more attention. But they're not very bright. Here's when they probably won't be that great...
Headlamps light the way for you to see. No effort directional control and variable flash modes makes for a great way to light your path. But they fall short when it comes to helping other see you. Find out why this could be deadly...
The fastest and simplest way to light up your run is with a clip on light. Visible, affordable, and versatile, they can be your best and most useful running accessory. But these lights my only...
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