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We found the ONE80 light in a local run shop and reached out to the team to see if they would  be interested in teaming up. After talking directly to one of the founders9 we knew that his story needed to be shared. Hopefully it inspires you like it inspires us.

The Story of 0ne80 Light...

Here's His Story...

 Ammon had pretty much been a life long entrepreneur. He tells us, "The idea of owning a business has appealed to me since I was a teenager. A year into teaching I started a side hustle - porta potties.


Now this story isn't untypical for an entrepreneur but starting it in so many areas. "Arriving at my current place with ONE80 Light has been a process of tests and failures... Prize vending machines in malls, social media and email marketing, private label sourcing to name a few. Eventually the concept behind the ONE80 Light was a stumble upon idea. That lead to a 2 year development process then a Kickstarter campaign to launch the product.

But they say success isn't without its failures. "A year into life as full time entrepreneur the income streams I had create were failing and we had two years I didn't know if we would make it. Luckily my wife and I are in this together and she took a part-time job to help us get by. We pulled through without having to go back to get a "regular job". With three kids those two years were scary - more scary than had it been just me or me and my wife. We had to make some decisions that felt very risky and uncomfortable."

But through it all he's made it out even stronger than before. He was generous enough to share his best advise with us. " My best advice comes from the book The Four Hour Work Week. It's advice that has pushed me through some tough decisions, but I'm consistently having to remind myself to think about these few questions.


Here are the questions:

What's the worst case scenario of this decision?
          - It's rarely as crazy or scary as we make it out in our minds

What's the potential upside of this decision and what is the potential downside?
          -I use these basic questions to evaluate many of the decisions in life. I feel owning a business

            is full of uncomfortable decision, many of which we would prefer to avoid out of fear. These

            help me keep those decisions in real perspective."

From the outside being an entrepreneur seems like a dream. But the honest truth is that entrepreneurs have to make some of the toughest decisions in their life. Ammon has helped build one of the best brands and products we've ever seen for runners. In spite of the all of the adversity a d challenges, he continues to push forward. And for that passion and drive, he's inspired us to be better EVERY day. So from the team at Pro Glow Sports, we want to thank Ammon for inspiring us and others to  chase their dreams. 

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